APN Wire 8/14/19

Click Here To Read This Edition In this edition of the APN Wire: Geez..the heat!  Hope everyone is staying as cool as you can.  There is a lot happening this summer including connections with new people.  I am so excited that I have recently...

Episode 17- Interview with Ian Mullen

Check out my first phone interview with Ian Mullen from Ship/Art. We discuss many of the finer points of what makes art handling such an amazing profession to be in. From rigging to training, Ian has worked with many types of projects in many types of places. I am so...

APN Wire 7/31/19

Click here to read I can’t believe that it is the last day of July…where has the year gone.   A big thank you to everyone who came to make Art Linx: Freelance Framework and special event.  My podcast below is a big thank you to all of...