APN Wire 2/23/22

Click Here to Read this Edition Greetings from APN, Are you an art pro out there looking for new opportunities?  Are you looking to build your background so that you are experienced enough for the positions you see open?  Or are you still trying to figure...

Season 4: Episode 3- The Museum Roles That Make It All Work

In this episode, I continue my quest to help you answer the question… “What do I want to do in a museum?  Believe it or not Curatorial and Collection positions make up a small sector of the staff you need to make a museum functional.  Without the Money Makers in...

APN Wire Newsletter:2/9/22

Click Here to Read this Edition Greetings from APN, Here’s hoping your Year of the Tiger is starting off with a roar.  I know for many it’s going to be packed full of challenges, and APN is here to help where we can.  Many art pros all over are...

Season 4: Episode 2…Asking Before You Abandon

Many think that 2022 is the year of The Great Resignation, but I think it is the year of The Great Leverage.  More than ever people are willing to consider new scenarios and changes in the workplace.  So before you leave consider asking for what you need to make a...