Spring has sprung and Art Pro Net has some new content to help you grow!  2022 is a year of new ventures, and we hope to get your help.  I am looking for those of you with stories to tell in our new initiative with Art Pro Perspectives.  I want to hear about your successes, your struggles, and those topics that you want to see a change in.  Send me your thoughts today in a short 300-500 word write-up.  I want to bring your perspectives to our readers so we can start moving in a positive direction.

Check out my other new and exciting project with The Art Handler Network!  We have teamed up in Art World News, and my first article is about finding the right layout for your installation.  Whether it is in a gallery or in your own home, there is a finesse to navigating negative space.  Check out this and many other articles showing some exciting new developments with art pros all over the world.

Finally, check out our resource section to get the tools you need to make your own difference.  There is everything from salary surveys to help you negotiate your next move to new resources for water detection to help you manage your storage space.  If you have a go-to vendor that you can’t live without, send me the details at connect@artpronet.com.  Let the community know about it!  As we get back to growing our networks I hope you will continue to support Art Pro Net, and let us know how we can support you.  Reach out today.